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Post by seelye »

HostMonitor v.9.38
Windows Server 2003 32bit

I'm always hesitent to post a bug report but it's either a bug or a can't follow the logic of how %LASTREPLY% works. :D

I'm trying to utilize the TUNE UP REPLY to mask when I get unexpected results from various pieces of equipment.

To keep the question simple, one example is a piece of temperature equipment. I use an SNMP GET and then I tune up the reply value to account for specific situations.

If ('%SuggestedReply%'=='185.0' or '%SuggestedReply%'=='Timeout' or '%SuggestedReply%'=='RMA: 301 - Timeout' or '%SuggestedReply%'=='RMA not connected') [%LastReply%]; else [%SuggestedReply%]

The idea is, if I get a out-of-spec reply of "185.0" (Common for this device when it can't read the real value) OR if there is a connectivity or RMA failure then I want the REPLY value to be replaced with the previous valid reply %LastReply%. In other words I was to assume the same reply value indefinitely until I know for certain I get a new reply from a %SimpleStatus%=OK. And for real replies it processes them normally using the %SuggestedReply%.

The Real responses work fine as the %SuggestedReply% simply passes through to the %Reply%.

It seems however that the %LastReply% when used in the TUNE UP REPLY field always pulls the %Reply% value from two tests prior rather than the immediately preceding result.

Perhaps explaining it differently, it appears the %LastReply% isn't being set properly when the Tune Up Reply Value function is used. It appears out of step with what the last reply truly was.

Is this a bug or am I missing logic in the %LastReply%, %Reply% features when used with the Tune-up-Reply feature?

I have many other tests I'm trying to build which will use this similar logic. Another test that may be affected by this is when doing an SNMP test and comparing the previous value. I've long wanted to run a SNMP test to determine if the current reply was less than the previous reply. (e.g. UPTIME and did the device reboot) I know you have this value comparison as part of the SNMP GET test. However I get inconsistent results when a TIMEOUT or RMA issue occurs. I tried to fix it with a similar TUNE UP formula so the value will essentially flat-line. That way when the test is next able to actually read the value it can still do a comparison. However it fails to work and seems to flip between the previous two read values.

Perhaps the solution is to have a new variable that allows the reference of the %LastGoodReply% that is only set each time the %SimpleStatus%="OK". Make sense?

Thanks and let me know your thoughts?
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Post by KS-Soft »

Perhaps explaining it differently, it appears the %LastReply% isn't being set properly when the Tune Up Reply Value function is used. It appears out of step with what the last reply truly was.
Of course, nothing set at this stage except "Suggested" variables.
Quote from the manual
HostMonitor checks "Tune up Reply" expression after test probe is done and "reverse alert" option is processed.
- HostMonitor performs the test;
- processes "Reverse alert" option;
- sets "suggested" macro variables (%SuggestedStatus%, %SuggestedSimpleStatus%, %SuggestedReply%, %SuggestedRecurrences% and %FailureIteration%) without touching regular counters (%Status%, %Reply%, %Recurrences%, etc);
- then HostMonitor evaluates "Warning", "Normal" and "Tune up Reply" expressions and finally modifies current test status, reply field and statistics counters (Status, Reply, Alive%, Passed tests, Failed tests, etc).

Why don't you use %Reply% variable instead of %LastReply%?

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Post by seelye »

Duh! :oops: I read the thread from December (two down from mine) and figured it out as you were replying to me. YES I just changed by TUNE UP to use %Reply% instead of %LastReply% and BINGO! Now I'm getting the flat-line results I was looking for.

No bug, No issue except for a user who couldn't understand the manual. :roll: Yes I read it over and over but I got lost in the details. Thanks for the prompt nudge in the right direction.
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Post by KS-Soft »

No problem :)

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