I am trying to generate a report showingthe average CPU usage for the last 4 months between the hours of 8AM and 5PM is there away to do this inside HOSTMON or do I need to export the data to a DB to generate this report? I currently run the CPU usage test every 10min 24hours a day.
Thanks for the quick response I guess my next question is there a way to export my current log file into an MS Access table this would allow me to query out the data that I need as I have 6 months worth of data already collect it is just showing for the entire day not just the hours I need.
What log format do you use? Its easy to convert file if you use DBF log, more difficult in case of text log and very difficult convert data from HTML log.
Probably the simplest way to get data from HTML log is:
- start Log analyzer
- select the test
- click on left bottom pane (list of all checks for specifid test)
- mark all text (except 3 first lines) and press Ctrl+C
- paste text into any text editor and save it
You will have tab separated text file that (I think) is possible to import into access table