HTML tags in response are escaped

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HTML tags in response are escaped

Post by jean_bruder »


I would like to know if there is a way to include some HTML tags in my script response : I would like to insert a specific picture for a specific monitored service name, and would like to ad the "new line" BR HTML tag to have a new line for each service monitored shown on one line.

How can I do that, because my HTML output (on the client report side) show me the < and the > escaped characters in the HTML code.

Many thanks for your reply,
Best regards.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Not sure I understand your question.
What kind of script do you have in mind? Script that you are using for some Shell Script test item?

What exactly means "HTML output"?
Are you talking about HTML reports created by HostMonitor? Log Analyzer? HTML logs?

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Post by jean_bruder »

Hi Alex,

Thank you for your reply. Let me give you more information about my needs.

We are using the Hostmonitor WEB interface to have a summary of all our tests, and have bad status displayed only. This show us 3 major informations which are the test name, the test status and the reply. The last column (reply) is used to display the value of each bad test output.

To execute the tests, we are using a VB Script and get as the output of this script a string containing the names of Windows services in a bad status.

The issue is that we would like to have each service name on a separated line : As the WEB interface uses HTML tags, I had in mind to do the "new line" between to bad tests output values by using the "BR" HTML tag.

The issue is that the BR HTML tag is "displayed" on the page as the HTML code transfered from the hostmonitor server to the client contains converted values for the "<" and the ">" characters ...

To summarize, I would like to know if there's a way to include and interpret HTML tags on the client side ?

Many thanks for your answer,
Best regards.

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Post by KS-Soft »

I see. You want to use HTML code in Reply field for your tests so this code will be processed in "normal" way by web browser that is connected to Web Service.
H'm, its not possible in current version and I don't have any idea how this can be done :roll:

Our software translates text from Reply field so you always see correct text regardless of the type of the log, report or GUI interface, that's why you cannot use special HTML commands there (well you can use it but it will be displayed as text).
I don't think we should change this behavior.

May be we can allow multiline Reply values for Shell Script somehow :roll:

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Post by KS-Soft »

"Library" forum should be used when you have some nice script/template/etc and you want to share your work with other customer.

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