Passive RMA (ODBC): "RMA: Access violation...'ntdll.dll

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Passive RMA (ODBC): "RMA: Access violation...'ntdll.dll

Post by pebjorke »

We are using Hostmonitor version 8.82 running on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2. At the moment we are using RMA version 4.12 for all monitored Microsoft Windows computers. All agents are installed in passive mode.

Description of the problem
We are using a passive RMA to run ODBC queries locally on each computer. Occasionally we get a reply value from the agent giving an unknown status due to message "RMA: 301 - Access violation at address XXXXXXXX in module ''. Write of address XXXXXXXX". We have several queries using the same ODBC on each computer and all the tests gives the unknown status whne it fails. All other tests at the same computer using the same RMA is OK when the ODBC fails (Check Service, Performance Counters, Free Disk space, Available memory etc). The problem has also occured on earlier versions of both Hostmonitor and RMA. It also occures on two different monitored computers.

How we solve it
The RMAs are installed as service. After restarting the RMA.exe service locally it works fine again.

Computer 1:
OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition SP2
Database: MS SQL 2005 Database - SQL Server 9.0.4053
ODBC: ODBC driver version SQL Server 2000.86.3959.00 (File: SQLSRV32.DLL 18.02.2007)
15.01.2011: RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 7C82BC52 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000004

Computer 2:
OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2
Database: Oracle Database version 10.2.0
ODBC: ODBC driver version (File: SQORA32.DLL 07.07.2010)
25.01.2011: RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 7C81A379 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000008
12.01.2011: RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 7C82C873 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000000
12.01.2011: RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 48899621 in module 'ODBC32.dll'. Read of address 000C3350
12.01.2011: RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 77BD765F in module 'msvcrt.dll'. Read of address 00000000
12.01.2011: RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 7C82C873 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Read of address 00000007
25.11.2010: RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 48899E2D in module 'ODBC32.dll'. Read of address 00740072

Our goal is of course to avoid the failure situation.
Also a solution where we can monitore the failure without bursting messages from all ODBC tests is better than it is today. All ODBC tests are already dependent on a sucessful PING response and the RMA Service running on the computer.
Will the action "Reload agent" inside RMA Manager give the same result as a restart of the service locally?
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Post by KS-Soft »

I think you should send this bug report to ODBC driver developers. Bugs in ODBC drivers and antivirus monitors are two biggest problems for us :(

However we will try to investigate this problem on our side as well.
We are testing ODBC Query test using
- MS SQL driver version 2000.85.1132.00
- MS SQL driver version 2000.86.1830.00
- Oracle driver
cannot reproduce any problem so far. Will check source codes as well.

Could you please provide SQL query and structure of the table you are using for these tests? Or may be you can provide access to your SQL servers for testing?
You may send details by e-mail to

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Post by totte »

I have the same problem on a similar platform. The problems started to occur after I upgraded to RMA 4.12. Only to this problem in one of my RMAer

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Post by KS-Soft »

Same question - same answer.
Bugs in ODBC drivers and antivirus monitors are two biggest problems for us. However we will try to investigate this problem on our side as well.
Could you please provide more information?
- What version of the agent (RMA) have you used before update?
- What exactly ODBC driver do you use? Version?
- Could you please provide SQL query and structure of the table you are using for these tests?

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Post by rhaba »

Just a question here, as I'm having the same issue (in both 8.82 and 8.84) and this problem did not present itself until I upgraded to either version.

Why exactly is this an ODBC issue, when it did not start happening until I upgraded your software?

You should also know that the error does not occur right away. The issue presents itself after 24-36 hours of monitoring successfully.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Could you please provide more information?
- Windows? Service Pack?
- What version of HostMonitor have you used before update?
- What exactly ODBC drivers do you use?
- Do you have installed some antivirus monitors, personal firewall, content monitoring software? Non stanard winsock components?

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Post by rhaba »

Could you please provide more information?
- Windows? Service Pack? Server 2003 SP2
- What version of HostMonitor have you used before update? 7.X (Not sure which, but never had this issue)
- What exactly ODBC drivers do you use? SQL Server 2000.86.3959.00
- Do you have installed some antivirus monitors, personal firewall, content monitoring software? Non stanard winsock components? No to all.
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Post by KS-Soft »

What version of HostMonitor have you used before update? 7.X (Not sure which, but never had this issue)
We made hunderd changes between version 7.x and 8.82...

MS SQL ODBC driver should work fine. May be this problem is not related to ODBC... Could you please try to disable ODBC logging and ODBC related test items. If this will not help, please send your configuration files to We need HML file with tests and all *.LST, *.INI files from HostMonitor folder.

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Post by rhaba »

Sorry for the question here, but where do I disable ODBC logging? Also, we run several ODBC tests against our data set, so are you telling me to disable any test that uses the ODBC test method? If so, this is not a solution that will work for us.

Our primary logging is set to log to file if that's what you're referring to.
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

where do I disable ODBC logging?
menu Options -> "Primary log" and "Backup log" tabs. "Database" type means HostMonitor will use ODBC for logging.
Also, we run several ODBC tests against our data set, so are you telling me to disable any test that uses the ODBC test method? If so, this is not a solution that will work for us.
This should be done just for testing. If problem will disappeare after disabling ODBC tests and logging, then we will know what cause the issue.
Our primary logging is set to log to file if that's what you're referring to.
Please check Backup log also.
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Post by rhaba »

We do not use the backup log.

Disabling the test will certainly get rid of the issue as I am no longer using ODBC tests. It's the ODBC tests that fail and it's the ODBC tests that I need. No other tests fail. It's just the ODBC tests that present these errors.
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Post by rhaba »

Thought I'd post once more. I haven't updated one of our other hostmon servers yet. It's running 8.58 and not presenting these issues.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Sorry for the question here, but where do I disable ODBC logging?
Primary Log and Backup Log pages in HostMonitor Options dialog.
I assume you are using default File logging (so you don't know about these settings).
Also, we run several ODBC tests against our data set, so are you telling me to disable any test that uses the ODBC test method?
If so, this is not a solution that will work for us.
Then you may setup HostMonitor to restart agent when this error occurs (you may use "advanced mode" Restart Service action).

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Post by KS-Soft »

Thought I'd post once more. I haven't updated one of our other hostmon servers yet. It's running 8.58 and not presenting these issues.
I though you are using RMA to perform these tests. Am I wrong?
If your configuration different from configuration described in original post, I think its better to start new thread. Or better send e-mail to We usually work with e-mails.

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Post by KS-Soft »

There is update for RMA:
Could you update agent and add "ODBC_UseSharedEnvHandle=0" line into [Misc] section of rma.ini file?
(if you add this line while agent is running, you should restart agent or use RMA Manager "Reload settings" command)

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