Why I don’t see icon in system tray when HostMonitor started

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Why I don’t see icon in system tray when HostMonitor started

Post by KS-Soft »

Why I don’t see icon in system tray when HostMonitor started as service?
There are several possible reasons of the problem:

1) "Icon in system tray" option is disabled. This option located on Preferences page in the Options dialog.
2) Service started under user account instead of "local system" account. You may use standard Windows "Services" application to modify service settings.
3) Option "allow service interact with desktop" is disabled. Otions is provided by Windows "Services" application.

Its pretty easy to fix the poroblem in such case, you just need to check your settings and restore default value of the options.

Other "conditions" require more complicated solutions:

4) You are using Terminal Service to connect to remote system where HostMonitor is running. Icon is not visible because service can interact with local desktop only.
5) You are running HostMonitor on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

There is no way to put the icon into system tray for the interactive services on Windows Vista/Server 2008. In Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 all services and first logged in user run in the same session. This session is called session 0. Windows Vista/Server 2008 work in different way: only system processes and services run in session 0. Vista isolates services in session 0 and makes session 0 noninteractive. The user logs on to session 1, and runs applications in this session.

There are 2 possible solutions:

1. Use Remote Control Console (RCC) that allows you to manage HostMonitor started on local or remote system in service or application mode.

2. You may create simple BAT file that will stop service, start HostMonitor in application mode and (after you change settings and terminate application) start service again.

Code: Select all

      net stop hostmonservice 
      "c:\program files\hostmon\hostmon.exe" 
      net start hostmonservice
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