Ideas for the new Service list window

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Ideas for the new Service list window

Post by Kapz »

Hi !

Running HM 8.02 on windows Server 2003.

The new window that shows services on a machine reached through an RMA is a great enhancement :D

When using it I've come up with a few ideas that might enhance the functionality:

* A column that shows the services Startup Type (Automatic, Manual, Disabled)
This might prevent erroneous setting up tests that monitor services that intentionally won't come up after a reboot of the server beeing monitored - or services that only runs when needed.

* A button that A) Copies the Short Name of the highlighted service to the 'Service to monitor' field in the Test Properties window and B) Copies the Display Name to the keyboard buffer (CTRL+C functionality)
Currently when I setup monitoring of services, I need to have an open RDP connection to the server beeing monitored in order to get the Display Name that I use in the Test Name - the functionality mentioned above would eliminate the need for an RDP connection for this rather simple purpose.

Hopefully this could be considered for a future release.

Thanks !

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Post by KS-Soft »

A column that shows the services Startup Type (Automatic, Manual, Disabled)
Ok. Low priority task
Currently when I setup monitoring of services, I need to have an open RDP connection to the server beeing monitored in order to get the Display Name that I use in the Test Name - the functionality mentioned above would eliminate the need for an RDP connection for this rather simple purpose.
If you use %path% variable, HostMonitor will display this property automatically.
Quote from the manual
Also you may use %path% variable for service test template. Variable returns "display name" property of the service (while %object% variable represents short name).
You may setup patterns and everything will be done automatically. ... tterns.htm ... #templates ... pvariables

Posts: 216
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:33 pm
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Post by Kapz »


> If you use %path% variable, HostMonitor will display this property automatically.
Yes, I just tested a bit with setting up patterns and using %path% seems to do the job.
All of our patterns was turned off so it never crossed my mind to use them.

Thanks for the hint !

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