HostMonitor does not start some action

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HostMonitor does not start some action

Post by KS-Soft »

HostMonitor does not start actions?
How to investigate:

1) Please make sure monitoring is started and actions are enabled. Do you see "Start" or "Enable alerts" button on toolbar? If yes, then somebody (local or remote operator) stopped monitoring/alerting.
Note 1: Evaluation version may show registration dialog and suspend monitoring until you close that dialog window.
Note 2: If several persons have access to HostMonitor, you may delegate different set of rights for each operator. E.g. you may provide "start/stop monitoring" permission to single person. ... #operators

2) If monitoring is started and actions are enabled, you may check system log file (specified on System Log page in the Options dialog). If action failed for some reason, HostMonitor should record error description into the log.
Also, you may use Quick Log to check if action was executed or failed ... ickLogPane
Note 1: Quick Log may work in 3 different modes:
- Show test results
- Show actions
- Show test results and actions
Note 2: If you select specific test in Test Details pane, HostMonitor will display latest actions triggered by this test only. If no test is selected, folder item is selected or several test items are selected, HostMonitor will display actions triggered by all test items within current folder, sorting actions by time of execution.
Note 3: you may tell HostMonitor to ignore some actions, i.e. do not store information about action results in Quick Log. The option "Quick Log: store action results" is located in Action Properties dialog.

3) If monitoring is started, actions enabled, you cannot find any errors in the log and Quick Log does not show any information about specific action, you should check properties of the action ... properties
May be action was not executed due to schedule restrictions ("Time restrictions" option)?
May be action was not executed because test failed just once while you set "Start when 5 consecutive Bad results occur" option?

4) If you find the problem and you want to check how everything works after fixing (or you are not sure what is the problem), you may force test item to change its status using "Reverse alert" property of the test. E.g. select test item, click Edit button to open Test Properties dialog, mark "Reverse alert" option then close Test Properties dialog, press space bar to refresh the test.
If you are testing "Send e-mail" action and "Show status window when sending mail" option is enabled, you will see entire HostMonitor <-> Mail server communication in popup window.
"Show status window when sending mail" option located on Mailer Settings page in the Options dialog.
Please do not forget to unmark "Reverse alert" option after testing.

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