Setup Tune Up Reply

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Setup Tune Up Reply

Post by RRing »

I am trying to setup a tune up reply for a WMI check but can not find the step by step details in the manual on how to do this. Can you please assist? I am on HM version 7.22c
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Post by KS-Soft »

Sure, possible options explained in the manual (page 34-35). Also you may check on-line help ... uneupreply
step by step details in the manual on how to do this
Step by step? Well, first you should say what exactly do you need. Convert bytes into megabytes? Convert seconds into minutes? Something else?

Posts: 39
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Tune Up Reply

Post by RRing »

yes- Trying to convert the following replies
Hard Disk Space - WMI
Available Memory Bytes to MB - WMI
CPU Usage for Process - WMI

Also- What do I check and where do I put the changes? I am overlooking the steps or Missing this in the manual.
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Post by KS-Soft »

>Hard Disk Space - WMI

What exactly do you need? Do you use query like "select FreeSpace from Win32_LogicalDisk where Caption='C:'" and you want to convert bytes into megabytes? Then you may use the following expression: [%SuggestedReply% div 1024 div 1024] Mb This expression listed as example in the manual

>Available Memory Bytes to MB - WMI

Well, use the same expression: [%SuggestedReply% div 1024 div 1024] Mb

>CPU Usage for Process - WMI

What exactly counter do you use? Query like "select PercentProcessorTime from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process where name='processname'"?
Then I think you don't need TuneUp Reply option at all

>Also- What do I check and where do I put the changes?

What changes? You should provide expression, that's it.
"TuneUp Reply" property allows you to specify expression that tells HostMonitor how to recalculate (modify) Reply value of the test item after each probe. HostMonitor checks "Tune up Reply" expression after test probe is done and "reverse alert" option is processed.
- HostMonitor performs the test;
- processes "Reverse alert" option;
- sets "suggested" macro variables (%SuggestedStatus%, %SuggestedSimpleStatus%, %SuggestedReply%, %SuggestedRecurrences% and %FailureIteration%) without touching regular counters (%Status%, %Reply%, %Recurrences%, etc);
- then HostMonitor evaluates "Warning", "Normal" and "Tune up Reply" expressions and finally modifies current test status, reply field and statistics counters (Status, Reply, Alive%, Passed tests, Failed tests, etc).

"TuneUp Reply" option located in Test Properties dialog. If you do not see such option, please click on [+] icon located beside "Reverse alert" option.

Posts: 39
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:14 am

Tune Up Reply Option

Post by RRing »

Thanks Alex- I totally missed this -
"If you do not see such option, please click on [+] icon located beside "Reverse alert" option. "
Got it now.
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