Age of newest file in folder

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Age of newest file in folder

Post by jsimotas »

I copied (and added to) code from another user on this forum but now i can't find or give credit to the other post!

Anyways, I use this vbscript to check the age (in minutes) of the newest file in a folder. In my case a process I monitor is supposed to export a daily file so I use:

testname "c:\myfolder" 1440

The only weird thing is that the optional file filter has to be in regular expression format like:
testname "c:\myfolder" 1440 ".txt$" (for files matching *.txt)


Code: Select all

Option Explicit 
Call main
Sub main
	On Error Resume Next 
	Dim FSO, fsFolder, objArgs, item, NewestFile, regEx, strPath 
	Dim intAgeMinsMax, intAgeMins, strPattern
	Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments 
	If (objArgs.count<2) Or (objArgs.count>3) Then 
		wscript.stdout.write "scriptres:BAD:Invalid number of parameters 2 or 3 (you supplied "& objArgs.count & ") (e.g. c:\temp 30 .txt$)" & vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "   ---------------------------------------------------"& vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "   newestfile.vbs ""path"" MaxAgeMins ""[expression]"" "& vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "   ---------------------------------------------------"& vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "   path = path to search for files (for UNC of LFN paths, use "") " & vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "   maxagemins = 1440 (1 day)" & vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "   expression [optional]= Regular expression to define a filter " & vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "     eg: all files that end with LOG = LOG$ " & vbCrLf
		wscript.stdout.write "         all files that start with TAPE = ^TAPE " & vbCrLf
	end If
	'------------------- params
	If objArgs.count=3 Then
	End If 
	'------------------- age is number?
	If Not IsNumeric(intAgeMinsMax) Then 
	  wscript.stdout.write "scriptres:BAD:MaxAgeMins=" & intAgeMinsMax & " (this is not a valid number)"
	End If
	'------------------- new object
	Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
	If Err<>0 Then 
	  wscript.stdout.write "scriptres:BAD:Unable to open Filesystem Object" 
	End If 
	'------------------- folder listing
	If Right(strPath,1)<>"\" Then strPath=strPath & "\" 
	Set fsFolder = fso.GetFolder(strPath) 
	If Err<>0 Then 
	  wscript.stdout.write "scriptres:BAD:Unable to open path '" & strPath & "'" 
	End If 
	'------------------- search through results
	Set regEx = New RegExp 
	Set NewestFile=Nothing 
	For each item in fsFolder.Files 
	  regEx.Pattern = strPattern
	  regEx.IgnoreCase = True 
	  If regEx.Test(Item.Name) Then 
	    If NewestFile is Nothing Then Set NewestFile=Item 
	    If Item.DateLastModified>NewestFile.DateLastModified then Set NewestFile=Item 
	  End If 
	'------------------- results
	If NewestFile is Nothing then 
	  wscript.stdout.write "scriptres:BAD:No file found" 
		intAgeMins = DateDiff("n", NewestFile.DateLastModified, Date+Time)
		If CLng(intAgeMins) >= CLng(intAgeMinsMax) Then
			wscript.stdout.write "scriptres:BAD:" & intAgeMins & " (" & NewestFile.Name & ")"
			wscript.stdout.write "scriptres:OK:"& intAgeMins & " (" & NewestFile.Name & ")"
		End If
	End If 
	'---------------- debug
	'wscript.stdout.write "----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf 
	'wscript.stdout.write "Path=" & strPath & vbCrLf 
	'wscript.stdout.write "AgeMins=" & intAgeMins & vbCrLf 
	'wscript.stdout.write "Pattern=" & strPattern & vbCrLf 
	'wscript.stdout.write "----------------------------------------" & vbCrLf 
End Sub
KS-Soft Europe
Posts: 2832
Joined: Tue May 16, 2006 4:41 am

Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Great job! :-)
Thank you for your contribution!

Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2002 6:00 pm

How do I use this

Post by Joe-Vis »

How do I use this
Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2002 6:00 pm

Figured it out...

Post by Joe-Vis »

use as Shell Script....
If there is a different way please let me know.

KS-Soft Europe
Posts: 2832
Joined: Tue May 16, 2006 4:41 am

Re: Figured it out...

Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Joe-Vis wrote:use as Shell Script....
Joe-Vis wrote:If there is a different way please let me know.
This script is designed for "Shell Script" test method. Why don't you like "Shell script" test method? You just should create a new script in "Script Manager", copy foregoing script into "Script" area and select "cmd /c cscript /B /E:VBScript %Script% %Params%" from "Start cmd" dropdown. ... m#shellmng

Posts: 12
Joined: Sun Nov 24, 2002 6:00 pm

No problem with Shell Script method

Post by Joe-Vis »

Just was not sure if it was the right answer. It works great.
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