Check if a string of words is found in a set of files

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Check if a string of words is found in a set of files

Post by GijsbertVanOeveren »

The following batch code for NT will help you to check if a string of up to 8 words is found in one or more files.
This code can be implemented in HostMonitor as a Shell Script test.

HostMonitor Startcmd: cmd /c %Script% %Params%
Internal Syntax: script {file(s) to scan, allows wildcards} {search string}

Params: C:\*.txt error message
  • will report all files txt-files in C:\ that contain the string "error message"
Params: C:\filename.* error message
  • will report all files with filename "filename", regardless of extention, in C:\ that contain the string "error message"
If you use the second string search method (see code) you can search strings that are longer than 8 words, you will have to enclose the string in quotation marks now.
Do not forget to comment the first method and uncomment the second before running the script.

Params: C:\filename.* "error message that I want to find in at least one of the files"
  • will report all files with filename "filename", regardless of extention, in C:\ that contain the string mentioned

Code: Select all

@echo off

:: Jump to Help if not all parameters have been given
	IF "%~1"=="" GOTO HELP
	IF "%~2"=="" GOTO HELP

:: Initiate variables
	SET SearchString=
	SET InputStr=
	SET ConcatFiles=
	SET ProcessFile=
	SET PreviousFile=
	SET ProcessingResult=
	SET TmpDrivePath=
	SET TmpFile=

: Make a choice for one of the two methods below to get the searchString
: 1. Search for up to 8 words in a string by just typing them without quotation marks
:     The fun thing of this method is that you can just type along, without having to worry about quotation marks!
:	example: script c:\*.txt text to search for
: 2. If you need to search for strings that might be longer than 8 words, comment method 1 and uncomment method 2. 
:    You will have to use quotation marks now!
:    If you don't mind using quotation marks you can always use this method of course
:	example: script c:*.txt "text to search for that may be longer than 8 words"
:: 1. concatenate strings up to 8 items as search string and clean leading and trailing spaces if less items are supplied
	SET InputStr=%2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
	FOR /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a IN ("%InputStr%") DO SET InputStr=%%a
	SET InputStr=%InputStr%##
	SET InputStr=%InputStr:        ##=##%
	SET InputStr=%InputStr:    ##=##%
	SET InputStr=%InputStr:  ##=##%
	SET InputStr=%InputStr: ##=##%
	SET InputStr=%InputStr:##=%
	SET SearchString=%InputStr%
:: 2. Uncomment this (and comment the section above!) if you want to search for long strings
:	SET SearchString=%~2

:: Loop through the files (%1) and search for the string (%SearchString%)
	FOR %%f IN (%1) DO FOR /F "tokens=1 delims= " %%e IN ('type %%f ^| find /I "%SearchString%"') DO (
		SET ProcessFile=%%f
		SET TmpDrivePath=%%~dpf
		SET TmpFile=%%~nxf

:: Looping is done, now jump to build the report

:: This section is called from the loop

		IF "%PreviousFile%"=="" GOTO GETFIRST
		IF "%ProcessFile%"=="%PreviousFile%" GOTO TRYNEXT

		COPY %ProcessFile% %TmpDrivePath%ERROR_%TmpFile%_ERROR > NUL
		SET ConcatFiles=%ProcessFile%

		COPY %ProcessFile% %TmpDrivePath%ERROR_%TmpFile%_ERROR > NUL
		DEL %PreviousFile%
		SET ConcatFiles=%ConcatFiles%, %ProcessFile%

		SET PreviousFile=%ProcessFile%


:: Build the report

	IF "%ConcatFiles%"=="" (
		SET ProcessingResult=Ok:No instances found
	) ELSE (
		SET ProcessingResult=Bad:Errors found in files: %ConcatFiles%

	ECHO ScriptRes:%ProcessingResult%

:: Clear the variables that have been used and delete the last processed file
	IF NOT "%ProcessFile%"=="" DEL %ProcessFile%
	SET SearchString=
	SET InputStr=
	SET ConcatFiles=
	SET ProcessFile=
	SET PreviousFile=
	SET ProcessingResult=
	SET TmpDrivePath=
	SET TmpFile=

	ECHO ScriptRes:Unknown:Usage: script {filepath to search, may include wildcard} {string to search for} 

Any comment is more than welcome.

Have fun!

Gijsbert van Oeveren
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