Map support

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Post by thomasschmeidl »

@Dublomov: Thanks for your support

Thank you - great to hear!
What is "Stoltze's application"?
It is mentioned above in the thread:
In my company, we have just finished an application llike this.. It reads data from a textfile, and then presents this on top of what map you would like, and in sublevels as well.
The textfile is not created by AHM, but I will suggest my boss, to make it possible to create the map from a AHM textfile..
I hope this will be done, since this is last thing I'm missing with AHM..

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Post by KS-Soft »

What is "Stoltze's application"?
It is mentioned above in the thread:
Right :oops:
No, we do not have any nice solution for this task so far

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Post by mp1 »


Are there maybe any news about a map for HM?

Thanks and best regards,

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Post by KS-Soft »

Sorry, not yet.

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Post by Nadir »


Best regards
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Post by greyhat64 »

Am i right - with over 7,000 hits and the number of respondants to this thread I would think that this would be high on the list.
Next to the watchdog feature (with over 4,000 hits of it's own, and one of my personal favorite unfulfilled wishlist items) I'd say this is pretty important to current & potential users of AHM.
I know as we expand the use of AHM it will become increasingly important for us as well - maybe a Tier 2 wishlist item for me.
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Post by KS-Soft »

Probably we implement such tool in version 8. I think we need your help to decide what templates/scanners should be implemented in the first place.
Some thoughts

1) I think there no much sense to scan for shared network resources and setup File/Folder Availability, File Integrity and other file related tests. Its pretty specific tests for some specific applications on specific servers...

2) I think its good to scan for
- Ping reply
- TCP ports
- Acess to services
- Access to Event Log
- Performance Counter

Then its pretty easy to automatically setup tests like Ping, CPU Usage. Set of TCP tests can be created easily as well (you may provide list of TCP ports before scan)...

What about SNMP, Event Log, Performance Counter and WMI?
What OIDs, counters, events, WMI Queries do you use?
What services / processes do you monitor? I do not ask about some specific homemade service installed on single host in the world; I mean what services / processes do you monitor on regular basis?

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Post by greyhat64 »

WOW! The pressure is on me now. :lol:
I may not be seeing the forest for the trees, but let me start with the 10,000 foot (3048 meter, for those outside the USA) view.

I envision this mapping function to be a layered approach, presenting, at the highest level, a global 'push pin' map indicating sites that are being monitored. This map could be dynamic, using color coded push pins indicate a site in distress. You could even have the pin 'grow' based on the number and type of alarms present.

All this woud start by associating each site router and it's associated VLANS to a specific location on the map - determined by street address or manually selected.
Any site level map would begin with a user supplied campus siteplan or building floorplan. This could be either a vector based drawing file (dwg/dxf) or raster file (jpg/gif) that can be 'overlayed' with site specific device data/graphics. In absense of a plan, drawing a default 'box' would be substituted. A vector based drawing file has it's advantages in that it makes it easier to pinpoint based on distance, x/y coordinates, block or layer attributes, etc. (I used to work for an Architectural firm & did some CAD automation, so I'm a bit familiar with this)

I'm envisioning this tying directly into the device discovery tool you're working on for v8 :wink: .
In that regard, tests that will go a long way in identifying candidates for mapping - ping, snmp (allow user to include OIDs/MIBs for their own devices), standard services/ports (SQLServer, IIS, DNS Server, DHCP Server - ports 80,21,25,1433,etc. - maybe also an edittable list). Of course you could present the discovery list in a sortable table, with specific device types/services grouped, and the administrator can select devices to include on the map from that list. There may even be a need for an exclusion list based on IP, range, or test result, such as port, OS, or service.
And for existing tests maybe included in a test's properties, a checkbox to include/exclude a specific test on the map. This way, later, I could include a manually added test or take a device/test off the map.

Of course this all begs for a strong, host-centric object oriented model, where tests are associated with device profiles, (sometimes multiple ) device profiles are associated with hosts, and hosts are linked to sites.

Am I on the right track, or are you seeing this differently?
BTW - I did a quick search for free/opensource delphi based mapping libraries and came up with a few.

Also, I'm just one user. Let's get these other respondants back in the hunt. I'm sure you have a way to email them from your extensive customer database without appearing to 'spam' them. :wink:
After all this did begin a few years ago, some may have forgotten about this thread, or have come up with alternatives like what Stoltze and his company are/were doing. We can learn from his/their experience.

And if you're ready to put me on the payroll I'll even learn Delphi well enough to help. 8)
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Post by KS-Soft »

I am sorry, I have used wrong topic :oops:
I was thinking about "network discovery" tool that probably will be implemented in version 8 ... php?t=4365

Regarding "map application": I think it will not be implemented in version 8. May be version 9 :roll:

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Post by greyhat64 »

v9 - I can probably live with that. :(
Maybe as a stopgap you 'team' with an existing network mapping solution by providing the kind of export file that can be readily imported into the chosen solution. That should require a minimum of time and effort. :wink:
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Post by Marcel »

At this time one of the few things hostmon is missing is such feature, a network map of your monitored devices, in a nice overview layout...

Look at the map nagios provides,( / if HostMon is capable of providing such feature, then i would concider HostMon as the most complete and usefull network monitoring software available on windows platform, and i will upgrade my current license to the latest enterprise version.

Any timeframe or raodmap available?

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Post by KS-Soft »

Well, my answer will be the same - yes we have such task in the list, I think it will be implemented in version 9 (around 2010)

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any news

Post by menno »

any news on the map functionallity ???

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Post by KS-Soft »

Didn't you ask the same last months in near by thread (just 3 threads below)? ... php?t=5069

Sorry, its not implemented. We are working on different tasks right now.

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Post by Gavin »

Just thought I'd add my two cents saying this is something that I would like to see. As other people have point out, the functionality is in competing products.
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