Generating reports from individual DBFs

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Generating reports from individual DBFs

Post by icbrown »

Hello All,
I've inherited a Hostmonitor 10 installation from my predecessors and I would like to create some historical performance reports (CPU/IIS activity that kind of thing) from the servers I've got with agents on. They are all set up to use a private log in dbf format, which we are rolling on a weekly basis. I've tried creating a view with just the servers I want in it and trying to generate the reports that way, but every time I click on properties/generate reports now it crashes my copy of RCC. There are only 8 servers in the view.

I've read the help doc, but I am not sure if I can do what I want to do - I am trying to track cpu usage over the last two months for the group of servers to track a performance issue. I can append the logs together with the logananalyser but only for one server at a time.

Any help appreciated
Thank you
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Post by KS-Soft »

Version 10 very old and not supported.
What exactly HostMonitor and RCC version you are using?
What exactly report type you are using? SLA report with charts?

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Joined: Wed May 26, 2021 10:05 am

Post by icbrown »

Thanks Alex,

RCC 5.7
HM 10.70

I appreciate it is old!

I have tried creating a simple SLA report using just CPU for the last 60 days and adding that to my view, but as soon as I try running the report RCC crashes, and I have to restart the HM service as it continues to think the View is still being editted.

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Post by KS-Soft »

May be we fixed this problem years ago, could you try latest version?

I assume your updates&support term expired years ago - better install new version on different system so it will not interfere with your config files, and copy config files to new system. You need to copy *.LST, *.INI, *.HML files.
Details listed at ... php?t=1099

Or just backup all config and binary files and update to latest version.
Then if you decide to keep old version, restore it from backup.

Or just send config files to us..

Posts: 3
Joined: Wed May 26, 2021 10:05 am

Post by icbrown »

Thank you Alex.

I'll check the license status
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