Registry testing for HKCU

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Registry testing for HKCU

Post by dkurfurst »

Hello, We are trying to test a for a registry setting on a few computers under HKCU but it appears that i isn't reporting correctly for the user that is logged in

We are trying to test for the following key: HKCU\Control Panel\International\sShortDate is=to m/d/yyyy and does not report correctly for the user logged in. I am thinking that the service account that hostmonitor is using to do the Reg check for HKCU may be looking at the HM service account on the computer instead of the user that is actually logged in.
Am I correct in this assumption and if so is there another way around this to test the HKCU reg key under the actual user that is logged in.

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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, Windows will provide data from registry branch that belongs to user specified for HostMonitor connection (in most cases that's account used for HostMonitor service, admin account).
Probably you can use HKEY_USERS?
like HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-4313521782-35124654275-2156815098-1010\

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