Macro variables in report filename

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Pablo Rönnebarth
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:05 am

Macro variables in report filename

Post by Pablo Rönnebarth »

hi. while saving the (custom html) report to a file, how can I use the folder name in the filename? i tried %Folder%. it sems that i can only use date/time related macros in the filename? how can i achieve that my reports (generated per customer every 3 months have a filename that reflects from which folder it came? do i have to configure the reports per folder? i was looking for something as (in the options) report profile->my_custom_report, generate to file->%Folder%_%dd%_%mm%.html.
is that possible?
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Post by KS-Soft »

how can i achieve that my reports (generated per customer every 3 months have a filename that reflects from which folder it came?
"Per customer" means "per folder", right?
Then simply type name of the file when you setup list of reports using Folder Properties dialog. ... er_reports

Why you may need variable?

Pablo Rönnebarth
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:05 am

report per folder

Post by Pablo Rönnebarth »

i would like to have a report per customer (folder), however i would like the general report option (options->reports) so i dont have to edit each and every folder. so to have in the general report option "Generate to file" a variable containing folder (customer) name. is something similar possible? i know i could edit every folder, however it's a lot of them ~250. so i am looking for a way to generate a simple report for our customers (disk usage, backup state, etc) that i can manage centrally without having to change a lot of stuff everytime i change something.
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Post by KS-Soft »

i would like to have a report per customer (folder), however i would like the general report option (options->reports) so i dont have to edit each and every folder.
Reports specified in Options dialog? These reports include entire test list.
Sounds like you need entirelly new option - not just a variable, you need a code that will be able to generate set of reports based on folders tree (1st level subfolders? 2nd level? all levels?) regardless of folders reports settings. Am I right?
I don't think we will implement this in version 9 :roll:

BTW: if you provide monitoring service to 3rd party, you need SPL license

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