Generate Report Every 'X' min on views?

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Generate Report Every 'X' min on views?

Post by paulnus »

I have a view setup that has selected entries based upon text in the comments and all the appropriate servers are showing up in this view based upon my setup. This seems to work fine.

Now, I want to generate a report every 10min from this view.

To do this, I clicked on the view level entry and then clicked 'properties'. I then went to the report tab and clicked the radial button 'Use view's own report settings'. I then clicked the check box 'Generate reports every' and set the length to 10 min.

When I click 'Generate Reports Now', the reports show up in my defined area perfectly.

However, no other reports are getting generated after my manual action. What else should I be looking for, I believe I followed the manual but I can't see any issues.

Do the report settings on views get honored or is that only for folder level entries?
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Post by KS-Soft »

When I click 'Generate Reports Now', the reports show up in my defined area perfectly.
However, no other reports are getting generated after my manual action.
Sorry, I do not understand what "other reports" should be generated?
Do you mean HostMonitor does not create these reports on regular interval (every 10 min)?

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Post by paulnus »

This is correct. Reports do not get generated every 10 min.
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Post by KS-Soft »

We cannot reproduce the problem.
May be you have stopped/paused monitoring?
What version of HostMonitor do you use?

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Post by KS-Soft »

HostMonitor is started as service?
Are you using RCC to setup HostMonitor?
Are you sure HostMonitor has access to this network drive?
Does it works fine when you use local drive for reports?

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Post by paulnus »

Hostmonitor is started as a service.
I am using RCC to setup HostMonitor. (v3.84)

When I hit the generate reports button, it works flawlessly. I am assuming that the permissions used to generate the report when I press button is same when on a timer. This may be the issue eh?

Ill have to check w/ our server admin as I do not have local folder access on said box. Ill get back.
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Post by KS-Soft »

When I hit the generate reports button, it works flawlessly. I am assuming that the permissions used to generate the report when I press button is same when on a timer.
When you use RCC to click "Generate reports now" button, RCC creates reports, not HostMonitor

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Post by paulnus »

Was writing to the common log.

When we switched it to the private log, it appeared to work correctly.
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Post by KS-Soft »

What do you mean?
You cannot store reports into common or private log file! Log file and report - 2 different things.

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