How Do I Auto Schedule Reports and Email Them?

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How Do I Auto Schedule Reports and Email Them?

Post by Razor7Tech »


We are on version 7.78 and I am brand new to this product. I've used another NNM extensively, but not this one.

My director wants an automatically generated report to be emailed to him in text format once a week. Are there any tech notes on how to set that up?


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Post by KS-Soft »

You may create alert profile, add 2 "on the schedule" actions:
- "Generate reports" action
- "Send e-mail" action
then use options located on Scheduler page in the Options dialog to start these actions (profile) once a week.

Please check the manual for details (manual.doc file included in the package) or use on-line help system
- Actions: ... ctions.htm
- Action properties: ... ctions.htm
- Scheduler actions: ... uledaction
- Report Manager: ... tm#Reports

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Post by Razor7Tech »

I'll try it out.

Thank you--wow, what a fast response! :D
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Post by Razor7Tech »


I can't figure out where to add an additional email recipient.

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Post by KS-Soft »

Additional? Do you want to send the same e-mail to several addresses?
Just type several addresses separating them with a semicolon.

Quote from the manual
Specify a list of destinations for the mail message. A copy of the message is sent to each of them, and a "To" SMTP header is created containing the destination addresses. More than one destination addresses separating with a semicolon ( ; ) Macro variables are supported in this field.
================== ... m#actEMail

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Post by Razor7Tech »

No, I saw that in the manual. We already have an email recipient address setup to send alerts to.

What I want to do is specify one, different email address for the scheduled reports to use once a week.

So, one email address for alerts, etc. and one different email address for scheduled reports.

Can we do that? How?


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Post by KS-Soft »

Well, if you need 2 actions then create 2 actions. Each alert profile may contain many actions.
Actually I do not think you should use the same profile for "regular alerts" and "reporting". I would recommend to create several profiles for different purposes.

Please check the manual: ... ctions.htm

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Post by Razor7Tech »

OK--I got that. Thanks.

Now, I don't want to sound lame, but I see all the "dots" in the manual, but I still need your help connecting the dots for what I want to do.

I created the actions, but where do I indicate which report to email in the email action profile?

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Post by KS-Soft »

"Send e-mail" action offers "Attach file" option, here you may select the file (or type the file name)

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Post by Razor7Tech »

I saw that. That is good to know. One of the challenges is that my director wants the data emailed to him on the weekend and he needs it in .txt format because he will be reading it on his Blackberry.

I actually have been doing more research and there is a log called rep-admin.htm that he likes and if there is a way to email him the same contents that are in that log in text format, we'll be good to go.

I leave for the day in about 30 minutes, so if you don't hear back, I'll get back you tomorrow.


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Post by KS-Soft »

I do not see any problem here. HostMonitor allows you to setup HTML, Text, DBF and WML reports. ... tm#Reports

Also, if you want to include report directly into e-mail body, you may use IncludeFile directive ... .htm#Mails

Basically I published all necessary links to important sections of the manual in my 1st mail. If you have large network and you plan to setup many tests, please, read the manual, it may save you a lot of time in the future.
Sure, you may setup tests and actions without reading manual however when your configuration becomes too complicated you will check the manual anyway and then you may find out that everything you did could be done in different way, much more efficient way.

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Post by Razor7Tech »

Hi Alex--

Thanks for your replies being in such a timely manner. It appears you have misunderstood my questions as being based on my not reading the manual, and in particular those links you are posting. That is not the case. I am reading them and I am finding them somewhat linear. Almost as if the technical writer understands English as a second language.

I've used IPSWITCH WhatsUp Gold Premium extensively and find it a much more intuitive program, however, my current employer already has your product and cannot justify the much higher cost associated with WhatsUp.

So, here we are. I'm trying to setup what I consider a relatively simple set of actions and it is not making sense. I am reading the links for the manual you are sending, but as I have stated already, it is like separate configurations and not a flow of a process to accomplish the goal I have. Like a lot of dots and I am asking you to help me connect them.

Let me clarify that I am reading the manual and it is still not working and THAT is why I am asking for your help. Not to circumvent the need to understand how to configure the utility.

Now that I believe I have clarified the misunderstanding, can you give me step by step instructions on how to create an overall (root) summary report in txt format that will only run once a week, and then how to schedule that report to be emailed once a week--and this all independent of any other logs or reports or email actions we currently have in place?

Thanks, Alex.
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Post by KS-Soft »

If you read entire section of the manual, you should understand what you need to do.
IMHO step by step instructions very useful for people that do not understand how software works.

Ok, lets skip reasoning and lets forget about manual.
Please do the following:
1) start HostMonitor
2) click menu Option
3) go to "Scheduler" page in the Options dialog
4) set "weekly" option, set day of the week and time when action profile should be executed
5) click button on the right side of combo box that displays list of actions profiles. HostMonitor will open "Action Profiles" dialog
6) click "New" button and type name of the profile
7) Click "Add" button and select "Generate reports" action. I would suggest to use "Add" button located below "Good status actions" section however it does not really matters for "scheduled" actions
8| Set "Condition to start action" to "on the schedule"
9) Set "Generate reports for specific folder/view" option
10) There 2 buttons beside name of the folder. Use right button to select "parent folder" for the report. if you need to include all test items into the report, select Root folder and use "Folder + all subfolders" recursive mode. Otherwise select some specific folder.
11) Use another button to open Folder Properties dialog
12) There is Reports page in Folder Properties dialog than allows you to setup list of reports. You may choose preconfigured report or click button (located beside combo box with list of reports) to open "Report Profiles" dialog and create new or modify existing report profile. Then specify file name for the report.
13) Click Ok to close Folder Properties dialog; click Ok to close Action Propertie dialog
14) Click "Add" button to add 2nd action into action profile; choose "Send e-mail" action
15) Set "Condition to start action" to "on the schedule"
16) If you have not configured "global" HostMonitor options (that should be done as 1st step of configuration), you may click "Mail settings" button and provide information about your primary and backup (optional) mail servers. Close Options dialog
17) Action Properties dialog: set sender e-mail address, address of the recepient(s), subject of the mail, priority, template for e-mail body. You may click button beside body template to create new template or modify existing.
18| If you want to include report into e-mail body, create new template and use <<IncludeFile=path_to_the_report_file_specified_in folder_properties_dialog_step#12>> directive
19) If you want to send report as attachment, use "Attach file" option
20) Click Ok to close "Action Properties" dialog
21) Click Ok to close "Action Profiles" dialog
22) Click Ok to close Options dialog

On the other hand, you may do everything from opposite direction:
1) read the manual or at least half of it
2) design plan of networks, think about software components (e.g. how many RMA should you install in remote networks, where Web Service should be installed), think about user permissions, etc
3) setup software components on remote systems if necessary
4) setup "global" settings, e.g. mailer settings, GSM settings, preferences, etc
5) create mail profiles, reports profiles, color profiles, user profiles
6) setup schedules, setup action profiles
7) setup tests and auxiliary actions (like generate reports once a week)
I think this way is much more effective in case of complicated setup.
If you have simple network, then yes - manual is not that much necessary and you may setup everything "on the fly".

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Post by Razor7Tech »

"IMHO" skip the "H" and I'd agree.

I appreciate you taking the time to write down the step-by-step instructions. I would merely caution you on coming across as arrogant and your customers and unreasonable in your posts. Sounds like job burnout. :o Just a tip.

I'll post the results.

Thanks again.

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Post by Razor7Tech »


Can you clarify the file path format in line #18 of your instructions that I need to use?

Here is what I entered: C:\Program Files\HostMonitor5\Logs\Rogers Reports

Does it need any speacial characters or switches?

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