Report for last 24 hours with selected tests

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Report for last 24 hours with selected tests

Post by AntonyP »


I am trying to create an automated report, which will contain all tests that in the last 24 hours had their status changed from good to bad (or-unknown) more than 5 times. Is this possible to achieve using HM?

Thanks in advance!!!
KS-Soft Europe
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Joined: Tue May 16, 2006 4:41 am

Post by KS-Soft Europe »

In fact, you may use Custom HTML Reports: ... CustomHTML
You just should specify JavaScript inside the body of report that checks %StatusChangesCnt% variable.

Test Items section should be like this:

Code: Select all

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
  var changes_count = %StatusChangesCnt%;
  if (changes_count > 5 )
     document.write('%TestName%, %StatusChangesCnt%, etc.<BR>');
Actually, the problem is to filter last 24 hours. To achieve this goal, I would suggest you to reset statistics every day. ... FolderTree
In such case, you should create foregoing "Custom" report, create action profile with "Generate Reports" action, enable "Reset statistics daily" option in "Folder Properties" > "Statistics" tab, mark "Execute action profile before reset statistics" option and select action profile with "Generate reports" action.

Please note: reseting statistics may affect other reports data!

Another solution is to use ODBC Logging with query, that contains '%StatusChangesCnt%' variable and Log Analyzer.

Posts: 159
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Location: Athens Greece

Post by AntonyP »

"Please note: reseting statistics may affect other reports data! "

How else will reseting the stats daily affect the other reports data?

E.g. if i want to create a report with the monthly stats of a test, i will not have a problem, right?

Reseting the stats daily should only change the percentage number that i will get if i press "statistics" option of a test, is this not so?
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Post by KS-Soft »

E.g. if i want to create a report with the monthly stats of a test, i will not have a problem, right?
You will have a problem
Reseting the stats daily should only change the percentage number that i will get if i press "statistics" option of a test, is this not so?
"Statistisc" menu item starts Log Analyzer that analyzes log files. "Reset statistics" will not effect logs. It will effect everything else.
I am afraid we do not have solution for you

Posts: 159
Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2006 9:40 am
Location: Athens Greece

Post by AntonyP »

I see. Well, thanks for the response anyway :wink:
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