IP_Tools process consuming excessive CPU %

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IP_Tools process consuming excessive CPU %

Post by dellis »

I searched the forum for this, but didn't see any questions on it. Has anyone else noticed the IP_Tools.exe process taking up a high CPU percentage even when the program is idle? I have IP_Tools 2.50 installed on 3 of my systems here at work, and on my main system it sometimes takes up 90-99% of the CPU when I am not doing anything with the program. I made sure host monitor was off, but it still has this problem. Today it has been a little better, averaging approximately 30-45% on a consistent basis and using about 7 MB of memory. It has gotten so that I have to close the program immediately after I use it, and then re-open it a few minutes later when I need it. This is not very convenient as on an average day I use it about every 5 minutes. I have even set the process to a lower priority. On another system right beside it, the program sits on 0% CPU when not in use. I am running version 2.50, and the OS is XP on the box that this is happening on. I have not gone so far as to reinstall the program yet; I thought perhaps this might be a known issue with an easy solution. Thanks for any help!
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Post by KS-Soft »

May be you have enabled logging into file for "Connections" utility? Normally it should use 1-5% of the CPU. But if you have some antivirus monitor installed on the system, it can increase resource usage.
Do you have Norton Antivirus Monitor installed on the box? Usually it leads to such problems.

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