Tests unknown but Host is alive

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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Tests unknown but Host is alive

Post by cybernanny »

Hey Guys,

i have i big poblem.
I implementing a lot of several test for one of my servers.
I works for month very well, but suddenly the test a now in
"Unknown" status.
Only one test is in function. The Alive-Ping test.
The RMA-Agent work very well. The connection ist accepting.
The attitudes were not changed.
Have anyone an idea what is occur?

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Post by KS-Soft »

As usualy we need more information:
- HostMonitor version?
- RMA version?
- Windows version?
- Service Pack?
- What test method(s) does not work?
- Test that does not work performed by RMA or HostMonitor?
- RMA started as service or application?
- HostMonitor started as service or application?
- What account is used to start RMA and HostMonitor?
- Status is "Unknown". What shows "Reply" field?

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