SLA report

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SLA Report

Post by Stoltze »


I wasn't logged in with the other post.. (Please delete that one..)

In many companys, you are bound up to a SLA (Service Level Agreement). I would like to have a special build-in function, to build a SLA report.

In this report, I can choose several things:

- Which folders, (including virtual folders) or tests to include.
- What level in %, the test must NOT be below.
- What level in %, the test must NOT go under. If it does, the test have failed.
- A weightning for each test. Total of all tests will be 100%. But maybe one test count for 20% of the SLA, and another one only for 5%.
- It should be possible to insert text og empty lines, in between the test lines.
- And it should be possible to see how the development in the SLA, have been for each day.
- Finally, a graph to show the development, would be nice..

I have created to pages, to illustrate what I mean.

This one shows in text, how the SLA have been over the month.

This is a chart, showing how the SLA have been going.

Hope I have explained, what I meen.. :)

Best Regards,
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Post by KS-Soft »

Looks like really customized report. I don't think we will implement this in nearest versions.
On the other hand using ODBC Logging, some SQL server and several SQL scripts you may create this report by yourself.

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Joined: Wed Aug 06, 2003 6:00 pm

Post by ChristianD »


i created some scripts for my own to do some sla reporting with variables:
I use 98% as a key to make the item red when its below.
This percentage could also be a CommentLine? variable to make it more scriptable.

I hope someone could also make use of it.


Custom Report:
Test Items:
<script type="text/vbscript">
if (%AliveRatio%>98 ) then
document.write("<input type=button class=Good value=""%TestName% (%AliveRatio%%)"" onclick=""showinfo('\n%TestName% \n%CommentLine2% \n%CommentLine3% \n%CommentLine4% \n%CommentLine5% \n%CommentLine6% \nAverage Reply: %AverageReply%')"">")
document.write("<input type=button class=Bad value=""%TestName% (%AliveRatio%%)"" onclick=""showinfo('\n%TestName% \n%CommentLine2% \n%CommentLine3% \n%CommentLine4% \n%CommentLine5% \n%CommentLine6% \nAverage Reply: %AverageReply%')"">")
end if

Folder Summary:
<script type="text/vbscript">
If (%FolderCurrent_TotalTests%>0) then
If (cint(%FolderAverage_AliveRatio%+1-1) >=98 ) then
Document.write("<font color=""green""><b>Aantal tests: %FolderCurrent_TotalTests% - Uptime: %FolderAverage_AliveRatio%% - Unknown time: %FolderAverage_UnknownRatio%% - Downtime: %FolderAverage_DeadRatio%%</b></font>")
Document.write("<font color=""red""><b>Aantal tests: %FolderCurrent_TotalTests% - Uptime: %FolderAverage_AliveRatio%% - Unknown time: %FolderAverage_UnknownRatio%% - Downtime: %FolderAverage_DeadRatio%%</4></font>")
End if
End if
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