Whois utility stops reporting halfway through a lookup.

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Whois utility stops reporting halfway through a lookup.

Post by JinjaNinja »

Hello KS-Soft!

I have recently bought IP_Tools and what an incredibly useful program it is! However, I have noticed a problem with the "whois" utility.

I tried looking up the domian "wilsonslaw.com" using the utility and a strange thing happens every time I click "start". The utility appears to give up half way through the whois lookup. This happens specifically on "wilsonslaw.com" and I think some other domains too. Most other domains I try seem to work fine, successfully reporting back to me the registered details of that domian.

For illustration purposes I have taken a screen shot which you can find here:

As you can see in the above image, at the bottom of the screenshot, the last line displayed is "Sal". Why does it stop there? I have looked up "wilsonslaw.com" with the "whois" website and it reports back all the details without this problem, so I know it's there waiting to be found!

Also (if this helps) you will notice that 5 lines down from the top of the screenshot the line "prohibited without the prior written consent of Networ" ends abruptly, but is carried on in the next (6th) line: "k Solutions. You agree not to use". About a week ago it used to stop reporting THERE - but now it seems to have got over this block and continued for another half a page before stopping again as explained above.

Does anyone else have this problem? Have I a dodgy copy and need to reinstall? Or is this a known bug? Please help!

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Post by KS-Soft »

Thank you for detailed description of the problem.
This problem already solved. Patch available at www.ks-soft.net/download/ipt221.zip

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 06, 2004 4:13 am

Post by JinjaNinja »

Thank you Alex!

That fixed it straight away. I can't see how I would get that patch other than by the URL you posted above. I wonder if I have missed the page with this patch on?

Anyway - problem solved! Job's a good'un!

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Post by KS-Soft »

I can't see how I would get that patch other than by the URL you posted above. I wonder if I have missed the page with this patch on?
Sorry, we did not publish link on web site. Its because not much people experience this error.
But link is published somewhere in this forum.

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