HM System Log ExecutePool error: Threads=0; idle0

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HM System Log ExecutePool error: Threads=0; idle0

Post by seelye »

I'm not noticing any problems with the day to day operation of HM but we are seeing these errors in the HM system logs at frequent but irregular intervals.

[10.27.2023 11:05:38] Sys ExecutePool error: Threads=0; idle0

I'm wondering if you could just point me in a direction so i can begin to diagnose.

Is this indicating a faulty test?
Or perhaps a host OS/Hardware resource limitation?

HM 14.20

I checked our system's CPU its reporting approx 6% average usage and no spikes.
Also Threads are between 70-90
Handle are approximately 90.

Memory is 133Mb
Disk <1MB/s and average of approx 0.5MB/s
Network <10MB/s and average of approx 3MB/s

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Post by KS-Soft »

This means HostMonitor task scheduler works nonoptimally. If you provide .HML with tests we can extract more data. You may contact support team by e-mail (menu Help->Support)

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Post by seelye »

With that hint, I'll do some checking through HM userlogs and our own change management tools since we know the date that it started.

It might be unrelated but I also noticed we have our Options-Behavior settings:

Consider status of the master test obsolete after 60 Seconds.

Is there a recommendation for this option? I have a feeling that we customized this a long time ago and then later started using master/dependency more agressively.

And for completeness of this tabs settings:
Test threads limit: 64 Up to 128 tests/sec for Active RMA

Again, I'm just looking for guidance on defaults or recommended levels for these settings.

We have approximately 9600 tests and 26 Active RMA and 1 Passive RMA
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Post by KS-Soft »

Sorry, cannot say anything for sure without complete picture. May be HostMonitor needs to start 10 tests/sec, may be 1000 tests/sec; may be there are some peaks; may be there a lot of master dependent relations; may be there are a lot of custom master expressions; may be such expressions use some "slow" variables and so on.
You may start Auditing Tool (menu View), it may detect many problems.

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