Dashboard Report - Auto-generate Not Sticking

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Dashboard Report - Auto-generate Not Sticking

Post by paulnus »

Checking to see if I'm just misunderstanding how the product works for reports and I cant seem to see an issue from reading the documentation. I want to run the dashboard report every 1 min and spit it out to a folder on the local server.

I am able to go into Reports>Autogenerate Options... and setup this perfectly fine. I am able to hit "Generate Reports Now" and it works flawlessly.

Once I exit RCC and go back into RCC, the settings have reverted back to default and away from the folder I wanted to stick the reports into.

Settings before closing RCC.

Am I not understanding how RCC is supposed to work? Do I need to do this on the server?


RCC v6.32
HM v11.32
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Post by KS-Soft »

Once I exit RCC and go back into RCC, the settings have reverted back to default and away from the folder I wanted to stick the reports into.
We do not understand how this is possible. RCC just shows HostMonitor settings. So if RCC set some option (tell HostMonitor to set some option), then HostMonitor keeps it.
May be you have several HostMonitor copies running and you connect to different copies?
Do you restart HostMonitor between connections?

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Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:18 pm

Post by paulnus »


I stopped the service and ran HM on the server. I updated the settings, saved, and restarted the service. It now saved my settings.

I just run RCC to connect to the running service and make my updates. I've never had a problem with any other settings before. It's plausible I'm doing something very wrong.
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Post by KS-Soft »

We tested version 11.32 on several systems and cannot reproduce the problem.
If HostMonitor cannot save options for some reason (e.g. read-only config file), then RCC displays error.

As I understand you do not see any error when click "Ok" button in Options dialog?
Could you start Auditing Tool (menu View), any errors?

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