Group Edit of Tune up Reply Value

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Group Edit of Tune up Reply Value

Post by seelye »

I'm trying to edit a group of tests that all use a consistent Tune up Reply value and modify the Tune up.

I find when I select multiple tests that are grouped in a view that the Optional status processing for Reverse Alert, Treat Unknown Status as Bad, Treat Warning Status as Bad, Use "Warning" status if, Use "Normal" status if are all available but the Tune up Reply value is not available when I've selected more than one test. Can this be added?

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Post by KS-Soft »

Probably we can add such option..
On the other hand, you can use Export / Import functions.
- select set of tests
- export test settings into text file (menu File -> Export...)
- Find&Replace necessary string using any text editor
- add ImportMode = Modify line on top
- import new test settings (menu File -> Import...)

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Post by seelye »

Well that's a really cool trick! I didn't know about the ImportMode = Modify option. I'm going to use that A LOT!! :D :D :D

My request however still stands for the option to do a group modify of the Tune up Reply value via the GUI, but it is a lower priority now that I know about this other option.

Awesome product. Thanks!

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