URL Request from HostMonitor Service on 2012 R2

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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URL Request from HostMonitor Service on 2012 R2

Post by ImNtReal »

I'm having the same issue described in http://www.ks-soft.net/cgi-bin/phpBB/vi ... php?t=7629. I've tried changing the service to use a Domain Admin account from the services control panel. HostMonitor also has the same account configured on the Services tab of that options screen. I've also tried disabling UAC, and rebooted for good measure. Any ideas on what to try next?

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Post by KS-Soft »

HostMonitor version?
HTTP? or HTTPS? What protocols enabled on server? SSL 3.0? TLS 1.0? TLS 1.2?
Can we check this URL?

What happens when you start HostMonitor as application?
What about other tests? Can HostMonitor check other systems in domain using CPU Usage, Service, Process tests?

Can HostMonitor check http://www.ks-soft.net using URL test?

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Post by ImNtReal »

KS-Soft wrote:HostMonitor version?
KS-Soft wrote:HTTP? or HTTPS? What protocols enabled on server? SSL 3.0? TLS 1.0? TLS 1.2?
KS-Soft wrote:Can we check this URL?
No. It's only available internally.
KS-Soft wrote:What happens when you start HostMonitor as application?
All enabled tests work as expected.
KS-Soft wrote:What about other tests? Can HostMonitor check other systems in domain using CPU Usage, Service, Process tests?
I am able to count files on a UNC path, check DNS entries, run queries over ODBC, check processes on remote systems, check MS SQL server status, and other tests. I am also having trouble with some PowerShell tests run as shell scripts on the HostMontior server.
KS-Soft wrote:Can HostMonitor check http://www.ks-soft.net using URL test?
Interesting. http://www.ks-soft.net works when running as an application, but fails as a service. However, https://www.ks-soft.net works either way. Google is the same.
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Post by KS-Soft »

I am able to count files on a UNC path, check DNS entries, run queries over ODBC, check processes on remote systems, check MS SQL server status, and other tests.
Well, DNS, ODBC tests will work regardless of UAC, accounts, etc.
That's why I asked about CPU Usage, Process, Service tests.
If Process test works, then URL test should work as well...

Could you try this update?
- backup your config files,
- unzip and replace hostmon.exe, rcc.exe modules (optionally WatchDog and WebService if you are using such applications)
- add UrlTestMode=1 into [Misc] section of hostmon.ini file
- then start HostMonitor

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Post by ImNtReal »

That got them working.

On a side note, I moved from a 9.something version to this version. When I did I grabbed all of my .ini, .lst, and .hml files, and dumped them into the Program Files (x86)\HostMonitor folder. Since I've moved to 10.64, I noticed that there seems to be copies of these files under the ProgramData folder. Should it be same to remove the config files from under Program Files, and stick to just using ProgramData? That would make it a lot easier to back them up, and migrate them in the future. Thanks.
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Post by KS-Soft »

I don't know what installation options (paths) did you use.
I don't know what installation mode did you use (Update or Install).

Normally program files located under C:\Program Files\HostMonitor\
Config files located under C:\ProgramData\HostMonitor\

If you want to have single folder for program files AND config files, please do not use C:\Program Files\..
Use some folder not related to Windows folders, e.g. C:\HostMontor\

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