Make test "red" for successful ping?

All questions related to installations, configurations and maintenance of Advanced Host Monitor (including additional tools such as RMA for Windows, RMA Manager, Web Servie, RCC).
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Rob Moore
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu May 27, 2004 7:35 am

Make test "red" for successful ping?

Post by Rob Moore »

I have a single virtual server running legacy software that we can't get rid of. It's running on an old version of Windows Server that's no longer supported. I keep the server mostly in an off state. When a user requests access, I turn the VM on, then turn it back off when they're done.

What I'd like to do to help insure that the VM is off most of the time is change it so that a failed "ping" test shows on HostMonitor as "good" and a successful "ping" test shows as "bad."

Is it possible to configure this one test that way? Or is there a better solution? (I'd rather not have that test be red all the time and only blue on the rare occasion that the VM is actually on.)


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Post by KS-Soft »

Just mark "Reverse alert" option in Test Properties dialog

Rob Moore
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu May 27, 2004 7:35 am

Post by Rob Moore »

Thanks! That's pretty obvious.

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