Issue with IMAP on New Email Test

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Issue with IMAP on New Email Test

Post by eddymicro »


I am working on the new Email test. I am able to get it to work with POP, but not with IMAP. First I tested that login for both Pop and Imap are Successful, both login correctly and I have the log data from the mail server to prove this.

Then I did the following:

1) Make a sample test put one message in InBox
2) Run test using POP; check for subject only (expression) and Remove email after test
3) Test correctly reports "BAD" and deletes message
4) Add another identical message back to InBox
5) Switch test to IMAP
6) Test reports "OK", but I can see that it does not seem to be reading the mailbox contents

Using the "Test" function of the test properties (Display subject), I always get "Normal[]" when I use IMAP. But with POP I see the contents as I should.

For IMAP I have InBox in the Mailbox Field, is this correct, or does IMAP require a different syntax such as \InBox or .Inbox etc...

We are using ALT-N MDaemon as the mail server.

Ed Schwartz
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Issue with IMAP on New Email Test

Post by eddymicro »


Also in the quick log I see another problem, If I Display "Test time" I see the reply in the quick log, but if I Display "Subject" I do not see anything in the quick log.

Also it seems to remove the email after the test, but not consistently. Sometimes it removes it, other times it does not.

I realize I could be doing something wrong, but I am running these tests by first deleting all contents of the inbox and then each time adding one new email to the inbox.

Ed Schwartz
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Post by KS-Soft »

In some cases HostMonitor can use Normal status for E-Mail test.
Is this correct result in your case or not, we don't know because we need more information.

Could you please send test settings to our e-mail address? Also please send e-mail that you are using for testing.
If you are using private mail server, can you provide access to some mailbox on your server?

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Post by KS-Soft »

Thank you for additional information. As we see HostMonitor works just fine - it detects and removes e-mail everytime test is performed.

However there are a lot of filters set on your mail server.
E.g. e-mails with "- DiskSpace" in subject line automatically moved to SG_DiskSpace folder.
If you want to check such filtered e-mails, you should use EMail test with IMAP protocol and specify "Inbox/SG_DiskSpace" mailbox instead of "Inbox".

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Issue with IMAP on New Email Test

Post by eddymicro »


It's over a year later and I still cannot get this test to work! I tried using our own mail server and the I switched to using Gmail's mail server but no matter what I use to set the test bad, it never detects a failure. It authenticates fine on both IMAP and POP. So I am having the same issue as I posted in November 2011. The test email has a subject of:
Information | Event occured on: SQLServerNode01

I have tried looking at one word such as ('Information') or the whole string. It never works. I have tried expression and string. I have tried have the test fail based on recipient, sender and subject with no success.

Maybe you can send me a sample test that I could import and use with IMAP or POP from Gmail. Or give me another idea of what might be wrong. It never deleted the email either when I turn that function on. But I can see that it reads the mailbox when looking at the logs on our mail server.
KS-Soft Europe
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Post by KS-Soft Europe »

Sample test settings for GMail IMAP server.
Just replace your_username and your_password.
Import this test, specify/change username and password, send e-mail with subject like: Information | Event occured on: SQLServerNode01
Refresh the test. EMail test should detect email and show Subject as Reply.

Code: Select all

Method      = EMail
;--- Common properties ---
;DestFolder = Root\HM\
Title       = Mail IMAP test
Comment     = 
RelatedURL  = 
ScheduleMode= Regular
Schedule    = 
Interval    = 3610
Alerts      = Do nothing
ReverseAlert= No
UnknownIsBad= Yes
WarningIsBad= Yes
TuneupReply = No
TuneReplyExp= %MAILFROM%
UseCommonLog= Yes
PrivLogMode = Default
CommLogMode = Default
;--- Test specific properties ---
Protocol    = IMAP
Host        =
Port        = 993
SSLMode     = Implicit
Timeout     = 0
Mailbox     = INBOX
Username    =
Password    = your_password
AlertMode   = AllEvents
TestOkMode  = IfNoBadEvent
DisplayMode = Subject
RemoveMail  = No
BadFilter   = 1
CheckToAddr = No
CheckSubject= Yes
CheckBody   = No
CheckModeSubj = string
ExprSubject = Information
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Post by KS-Soft »

We found some IMAP servers return timestamp using invalid format (not according to RFC 822 as expected by HostMonitor).
We implemented simple workaraound, probably it will help in your case as well.
I think new version will be available next week.

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Post by eddymicro »


I imported your test and corrected the login information, Your test button returns a response of OK when requesting the subject (not the actual subject) and returns the time when choosing test time.

But the test still does not work, it does not work for POP either. So I will wait for your updated version. Your test that I imported was exactly the same as what I have been trying.
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Post by KS-Soft »

But the test still does not work, it does not work for POP either.
May we have access to your mailbox for testing?

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Post by eddymicro »

I have sent the requested information via you email
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Post by KS-Soft »

gmail does not allow connection to your mailbox but we have gmail accounts as well. Setup several tests using 2 accounts plus POP3 and IMAP modes, will test it overnight...

BTW You mail server does not accept our mails
Remote host said: 554 Sorry, message looks like SPAM to me

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Post by KS-Soft »

We think we fixed problem but we still cannot send you e-mail because of your spam filter
Remote host said: 554 Sorry, message looks like SPAM to me

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Post by eddymicro »


Thanks, How do I test the new version?
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Post by KS-Soft »

It will be released this week

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Post by eddymicro »


The test works now thank you!
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