ODBC Test by RMA Agent

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ODBC Test by RMA Agent

Post by ron.visser »

After updating Oracle to, The RMA agent "after a few succecfull tests" answers:

RMA: 301 - Access violation at address 6253E06D in module 'oraldapclnt11.dll'. Read of address 0000001C

I'm using a system dsn with an Oracle ODBC driver 11g for the odbc tests

OS Server = W2003R2
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Post by KS-Soft »

Please send this bug report to Oracle. Oracle made hundreds bugs in ODBC drivers :-(
Many of them are critical bugs that lead to memory leakage, high CPU usage, access violation errors :evil:

Could you downgrade Oracle client to version As we know this is the most stable version.

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Oracle 9 Client

Post by ron.visser »

The Oracle 9 client software is not supported on an Oracle 11 DataBase

So that's not a good idea.

On the same system I have other software running wich also use odbc connections for oracle and they work fine.

It can't be rocket science to make a database connection and fire a query
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Post by KS-Soft »

There was a bug in our ODBC related code, long time ago. What version of RMA do you use?
On the same system I have other software running wich also use odbc connections for oracle and they work fine.
That's why you think there is bug in our code? Not necessarily. Who knows what bug leads to this problem and when exactly it appears. Only Oracle team knows.
If you do not have a lot of Oracle related tests, you may try to move all tests into one folder and mark "Non-simultaneously test execution" folder option. This helps for some ODBC drivers (when there are bugs related to multi-threaded code).

We receive similar bug reports regarding Oracle ODBC drivers every week, we spent hundreds hours investigating these problems and we know there are hundreds bugs in Oracle code. I don't think there is bug in our code because we checked this code many times and we have not modified it for a while.
Just for example, there is fix list for Oracle client version
- Corrected computation of length of LOBs read. This appeared as a CPU loop when reading some CLOB values with embedded NUL characters. (Bug3531495)
- Fixed numeric conversion to character string which was adding a leading zero to fraction values and was switching to scientific notation under the wrong conditions. (Bug3263737)
- Fixed inability to pass LOB values larger than 32K bytes as input parameters to stored procedures. (Bug3211672)
- Fixed incorrect binding of Unicode values as parameters. (Bug3249731)
- Fixed possible corruption of BLOB when using SQLGetData. (Bug3041953)
- Fixed parsing problem of not finding bind parameters when the SQL statement contained a comment followed by another comment or quoted string without any space inbetween. (Bug3038835)
- Fixed problem of ?UPDATE ? WHERE CURRENT OF? would fail sometimes for a keyset cursor. (Bug3038823)
- Fixed problem of inserting NULL lobs. (Bug3028525)
- Fixed problem of CLOB data not being returned properly when accessing a database encoded with a multi-byte character set. (Bug3015481)
- Resolved problem of SQLProcedureColumns failing with an ORA-24345. (Bug2993934)
- Fixed fetching of data when SQL_COLUMN_IGNORE is set. The driver was not fetching data for columns with SQL_COLUMN_IGNORE set, now it only ignores data for fetching being done through SQLBulkOperations. (Bug2976963)
- Fixed memory leak that occurred when reading through forward only cursors. (Bug2972233)
- Fixed data corruption which could occur when using SQL_C_NUMERIC data type. (Bug2945992)
- Fixed access violation which could sometime occur on SQLConnect. (Bug2933827)
- Fixed memory leak that occurred on a SQLFreeStmt of type SQL_DROP and the result set contained LOB data. (Bug2912973)
- Fixed problem of first column of ADO recordset being omitted when handling refcursor results. (Bug2897335)
- Fixed generation of fractional second output on timestamp character strings. The maximum precision for a TIMESTAMP column is 9; however, the default precision is 6. The ODBC driver was always generating strings that contained 9 characters of fractional seconds. This was causing Microsoft Excel to fail when handling TIMESTAMP columns because the size of the timestamp string the ODBC driver generated was larger than expected. (Bug2893288)
- Fixed null termination of CHAR output parameters when calling a procedure. (Bug2885702)
- Fix problem of doing updates via DAO when a CLOB is part of the table. An ORA-24801 use to occur. (Bug2776568)
- Fixed delayed writing of LOB values which caused INSERT TRIGGER routines to pick up NULL for the :NEW value. (Bug 3215443)
- Fix setting of OCI_ATTR_MAXDATA_SIZE to avoid getting ORA-01460 (unreasonable or unimplemented conversion). The driver will only set the max data attribute on INSERT, UPDATE and SELECT statements. (Bug2226375)
Do you see this? Memory leak, access violatiom, data corruption, again memory leak... And there are a lot of bugs and fixes in other Oracle versions.
It can't be rocket science to make a database connection and fire a query
Please tell this to Oracle development team.

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More Problems

Post by ron.visser »

Im using 8.82 an agent 4.12.

I saw there is a new version available. Ill give it a try

By the way is there an option to see some more logging of the rma agent.
I only see connection established.

Regards Ron
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Post by KS-Soft »

Im using 8.82 an agent 4.12
Quote from "What's new" list
Version 8.86
HostMonitor, Passive and Active RMA for Windows: modified code for ODBC Query test should help to resolve problems with some ODBC drivers that do not work correctly in multithreaded environment. Unfortunately this does not help MySQL ODBC drivers. That's why we still recommend to use "Non-simultaneously test execution" folder-specific option when you have several ODBC Query test items that check MySQL servers.

Regarding other progam that works with Oracle ODBC driver: some Oracle bugs may appear depending on the path where Oracle client installed. E.g. Oracle drivers may crash application when installation path contain brackets (E.g. "C:\Program Files(x86)\..."). This way 32bit version of the client may crash (untill you change path to the software) while 64bit version may work fine.
By the way is there an option to see some more logging of the rma agent. I only see connection established
Most of logging is preformed by HostMonitor. If some test cannot be executed correctly, HostMonitor will show this.
RMA needs log file just to help investigate HostMonitor<->RMA communication problems.

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