HM crashes on GSM activity

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HM crashes on GSM activity

Post by ulliGT »

Hi everybody!

I'm having problems using the GSM feature in HM to send SMS: HM freezes/crashes when I try to send SMS messages. This recently started appearing while everything was working fine before.

Surprisingly this only happens in two of three cases:
1. Options => SMS GSM => Test => FREEZE
2. Using the SMS feature in an action profile => CRASH
3. Profiles => Action Profiles => Edit the corresponding "Send SMS" profile => Test => WORKS!!!

I'm using HM version 8.6 on a windows XP SP3 machine and a Nokia 6210 connected with a serial cable.

What did not help:
* Restarting the System/Phone
* Logging in as another user
* Starting HM as application (usually it's run as a service)
* Disconnecting the phone (still the same)
* The logs do not show anything

Any help is appreciated! Thank you very much!
Ulli | Hamburg | Germany
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Post by ulliGT »

After deleting and reentering the service center number the above mentioned issue seems to be resolved although I reentered exactely the same number... strange but ok...

But now I'm running into the next problem with the sending of SMS messages:

* Options => SMS GSM => Test => WORKS

* Profiles => Action Profiles => Edit the corresponding "Send SMS" profile => Test => WORKS!

* Using the SMS feature in an action profile => DOES NOT WORK! Although the log file says that the message has been sent, nothing is received on my phone. Sometimes the phone is blocked instead and I have to disconnect/reconnect the data plug.

Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?

Thank you very much!
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Post by KS-Soft »

Have you specified service center number using international format?

We are checking HostMonitor code...
So far I assume you should try to change baud rate.
What setting do you use on "SMS: GSM" page in the Options dialog?
Baud rate? Mode (PDU or Text)?

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Post by KS-Soft »

Could you please check size and timestamp of KSGsmXLib.ocx file located in HostMonitor directory?
Some "unofficial" versions of this library could lead to similar problems...

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Post by ulliGT »

Hi Alex!

You already helped me some days ago by e-mail when I was trying to connect the phone in the first place. Maybe you remember that: I ended up using the 9110 profile although I'm using a 6210.

Here are the infos you asked for:
* Options => SMS GSM
** Com Port: COM 1
** Baud rate 14400
** Modem Type: Nokia 9110
** Mode: PDU
** Service Center: I tried both formats (+49177XXXXX and 0177XXXXX) with the same result

* KSGsmXLib.ocx
** Size: 455 KB (466.432 Bytes)
** Created: 20.04.2010, 16:22:07
** Modified: 09.04.2010, 23:27:20
** Since I'm using a fully registered version I'd be surprised to find an "unofficial" file somewhere ;-)

The error is still the same: tests work but when I use SMS in an action profile, log says the SMS has been sent, but I get nothing :-( Is there a way to display the SMS-live-log-window (the one known from the tests) while the action profile is running?

Thank you!!!
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Post by KS-Soft »

Yes, this is correct version of the file.
I though HostMonitor could use different settings for "Test" option and for "Send SMS (GSM)" action itself, but we checked HostMonitors code - everything is fine.
There same settings are used in all cases.

Unles.. are you actually working with HostMonitor GUI? or you are using RCC (Remote Control Console) GUI? Are you running RCC on the same system where HostMonitor is started?
or may be you are running 2 instances of HostMonitor? E.g. one is started as service, another as application?
Is there a way to display the SMS-live-log-window (the one known from the tests) while the action profile is running
No, this action does not display any windows, HostMonitor maintenances query of the messages and sends them in background.
What exactly message do you see in the log? Do you see message like "SMS to +12341234 has been sent"? or there is just message like
"SMS +12341234 has been passed to SMS control module"?
Note: There are HostMonitor system log file specified on System Log page in the Options dialog and there is another SMS specific log file specified on "SMS: GSM" page in the Options dialog.

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Post by ulliGT »

Hi Alex!

I guess I'm using the standard GUI: HM is started as a service and I open the GUI by doubleclicking the Icon in the system tray next to the clock. Or is there anything wrong with that?

The SMS log reads something like this (I don't have it in front of me right now):
* the message was passed to the queue
* SMS to +12341234 has been sent

I tripple checked the numbers... but I get nothing :-( Do you have any further ideas?

Thank you!
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Post by ulliGT »

I just set the SMS log settings to "detailed tech info" and did some more tests:

1. When I run the test at options => SMS GSM => Test the message arrives and the log reads:
[14.06.2010 11:34:43] Sys Com port open .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:34:45] Sys GSM modem initialization .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:34:55] Sys SMS to +49173XXXXXXX has been sent.
[14.06.2010 11:34:55] Sys Com port close .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:34:55] Sys GSM modem deinitialization .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:34:58] Sys Set options .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:34:58] Sys Error: Format is not supported by Nokia 9110
2. If I then fire the action profile with the same settings the message is not sent and the log reads:
[14.06.2010 11:30:15] Sys Message has been added to queue
[14.06.2010 11:30:15] Sys Com port open .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:30:17] Sys GSM modem initialization .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:30:53] Sys Error: Cannot send message to +491732090097. GSM modem error. No reply on AT command: AT+CSMP=1,,0,242
[14.06.2010 11:30:53] Sys Com port close .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:30:53] Sys GSM modem deinitialization .. Ok
3. After the second step the phone is somehow blocked and if I now retry step 1 this is what happens:
[14.06.2010 11:32:45] Sys Set options .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:32:45] Sys Error: Format is not supported by Nokia 9110
[14.06.2010 11:32:46] Sys Com port open .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:33:25] Sys Com port close .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:33:25] Sys Error: Cannot send message to +491732090097. GSM modem error. No reply on AT command: ATE1
[14.06.2010 11:33:28] Sys Set options .. Ok
[14.06.2010 11:33:28] Sys Error: Format is not supported by Nokia 9110
I then have to unplug and replug the phone and everything's fine again.

So it seems to be that using an action profile somehow crashes the phone. Something must be different when using the profiles instead of the tests. Do you have any idea what I can do about that?

Thank you!!!
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Post by KS-Soft »

"Format is not supported by ..." error means GSM device does not support specified mode (PDU or Text).
Could you switch mode from PDU to Text?

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Post by ulliGT »

Hi Alex!

I found something!

I changed the mode to "Text": the tests work and the error message is gone but the action profile still didn't work. But then I tried something else:

I thought, maybe this isn't a problem with the SMS/action profile/phone but has something to do with the test I'm using to fire up the action profile.
Right now I'm using a "SNMP Trap Test" that calls the action profile when a specific trap is received. Since the logs show that the SMS action was called and the message popup I added to the action profile is shown, I don't think I configured anything wrong.
So I set up a standard ping test with the same action profile. I pulled the plug from the machine the test watches and guess what: THE SMS ARRIVED and the phone was not blocked afterwards!

So this whole issue seems to depend on the trap test. Do you have any idea what I can do about that? This whole HM/SMS/monitoring thing is part of my diploma project I'm working on right now and I really need the SMS service to work... pleeeaaaaseee help me :-D

Thank you so much!
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Post by ulliGT »


The traps contain a system message that HM is supposed to forward by sms. When testing the GSM settings this exact massage was missing and the ping test also uses different messages. So it must have had something to do with the text in the traps. After an hour of trial and error I found the character that caused all of the problems: square brackets!!! I removed the brackets and everything works fine!

Sorry for bothering you with this all the time and thank you so much for your support!!!!
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Post by KS-Soft »

Thank you for the notice.
Looks like cell phone bug :roll:

We will check our code and test couple modems...

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Post by KS-Soft »

We checked our code and tested several modems so we can confirm there is bug in Nokia phone. Other modems work fine.

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